interactive fiction
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First Person Platformer

A hacked renderer shows a 1D perspective projection of a platform game from the avatar's perspective. Perceptual cues such as atmospheric perspective (also known as distance fog) and visual allusions to classic video games aid the player's comprehension of the space.

First Person Platformer was included in Other Worlds, an exhibition on the psychogeography of game space, as part of Vector Game Art Festival in Toronto in February 2013.

With music by David Renshaw and using the Flixel library by Adam Atomic. Play it online here. (More images...)

Tags: code, game, space, collaborative


instamatique.com/games is a growing collection of short experimental games.

Tags: game, code, interactive fiction


Photo by Dominic Dagradi

Ditter is a telegraph key that posts to Twitter. The project uses an Arduino microcontroller and was a collaboration with Jason C. Reed, who wrote the morse code parser. Ditter was shown at 937 Liberty as part of the Rossum's shows "Robot Resolution" and "Signal to Noise Patio," for Pittsburgh First Night and a Gallery Crawl in the Cultural District, respectively. You can read Ditter's posts (some of which are much more coherent than the others, naturally) at twitter.com/ditter. (More images...)

Tags: code, wood, electronics, collaborative, object

Byzantine Perspective

The opening screen of Byzantine Perspective in Spatterlight

Byzantine Perspective is a work of interactive fiction that was submitted to the 2009 Interactive Fiction Competition.

It took ninth place overall out of twenty-four entered games and tied for third place in the "Miss Congeniality" (authors' choice) category. It also won the 2009 XYZZY Award for Best Individual Puzzle. More information, including links to reviews and critiques from the wonderful and international interactive fiction community, can be found at its IFWiki page -- my personal favorite is Emily Short's review for Jay Is Games.

Byzantine Perspective was written in Inform 7. You can download its zcode file (playable on any interpreter with Blorb support) here, or play it online via the Parchment interpreter here. The map feelie is recommended to any players who do not explicitly desire a more challenging experience; it can be downloaded here. (More images...)

Tags: interactive fiction, code, game, space


Pirate-Go-Round is a simple two-player game made in twenty-four hours for the Ludum Dare competition.

The game was written in Processing, with graphics made in Illustrator and a song by Jason C. Reed. You can play it online as a Java applet here or download it for Mac, Linux, or Windows.

Tags: game, code, image, time-constrained

Motion Capture Processing

Parsing and rendering done in Processing of data from the Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture Lab.

Tags: code, image

Memento Moratori

The opening screen of Memento Moratori in Spatterlight

A Fleeting Case of Self-Possession, or, Memento Moratori is a work of interactive fiction that won third place in the 2010 IntroComp, a competition for short introductions to ostensible longer works of interactive fiction.

More information can be found at its IFWiki page, or you can read a pair of charming tweets from an internet stranger here and here.

Memento Moratori was written in Inform 7. You can download its zcode file (playable on any interpreter with Blorb support) here, or play it online via the Parchment interpreter here.

Tags: interactive fiction, code, game


Collaboration with the CMU School of Drama to produce electromechanically enhanced robot costumes for a potential production of Rossum's Universal Robots. (More images...)

Tags: clothing, electronics, code

Mad Science

A panel of buttons, knobs, and switches, for a booth for CMU's Spring Carnival 2009. The panel displays responses ranging from logical to snarky; the buttons are labeled such things as "Chronosynclastic Infundibulum," "Esperanto," and "Sass." (More images...)

Tags: electronics, code, object